
Maritime and Port Management

Description Explanation
About The Department : Our country; Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East is in a natural bridge, is surrounded by sea on three sides. The countries of the Black Sea coast waterways providing a link with the world (Turkish Straits) having are in a position of strategic importance. In the era we live in marine transportation is the safest forms of transportation, environmentally friendly and most cost-effective form of transportation all over the world because is the most preferred form of transport. In a country where the vast majority of international commerce takes place via seaway, the purpose of our program is to fulfill the need for a qualified workforce specializing in marine transportation and port management. The program provides students with both theoretical and practical education on basic maritime knowledge and port management. Maritime and Port Management specialists that shipping agencies, freight forwarders, ship brokers and well-established state ports as well as rapidly growing provite ports need are trained here. 
Purpose of Department : The purpose of the Maritime and Port Management Program, maritime enterprises and mid-level managers is to train manpower. Students who graduate from this program in parts of the maritime sector businesses are being qualified to take part.
Admission Requirements : Prospective students are placed according to high school diplomas and Higher Education Institutions Exam scores by Student Selection and Placement Center (SSPC).
Graduation Requirements : Students who successfully complete all compulsory courses specified in the course plan and the minimum number of elective courses required; complete 120 ECTS credits and have a minimum CGPA of 2.00/ 4.00 will graduate.
Transition to higher level : Students who graduate from Maritime and Port Management , can upper state of a transition (License Program) with DGS exam or round off the license supplement with OEF. Programs that Graduate students can the upper stage of a transition with DGS exam are as follows: Maritime Transport Management Engineering, Maritime Business Administration, Business Administration, Logistics Management, International Business Administration, International Trade, International Trade and Finance, International Trade and Management, International Trade and Logistics
Assessment Questionnaire : Maritime and Port Management Program students who graduate have the opportunity to work in Port Operations, Port Authority, Ship Agents, Marinas, Shipping Businesses and Marine logistics firm.They can also work at ships with limited watckeeping officers' licenses.
Examination Assessment : The students each semester, at least one midterm and final (final) are subjected to examination. In the calculation of the student's final grade, midterm and final semester of studies by weight (final) exam each weight of less than 40% and not more than 60%.
Department Head / Coordinator of the Department Bologna : Lec. Şerife YAZGAN PEKTAŞ
Qualification Requirements and Rules : Earned degree requirements and rules Bartin University Associate Degree Education and Examination Regulations is defined. All courses enrolled in the program who have successfully completed according to the provisions of this regulation, any course; FF, FD no letter and not with a GPA of 2.00 or higher, providing credit as required by the program and fulfilling workplace training requirements, students are awarded a diploma.
Structure of the program : In a country where the vast majority of international commerce takes place via seaway, the purpose of our program is to fulfill the need for a qualified workforce specializing in marine transportation and port management. Students who graduate from this program are expected to develop themselves professionally, follow innovations in their fields and develop effective communication skills. Maritime and Port Management specialists that shipping agencies, freight forwarders, ship brokers and well-established state ports as well as rapidly growing provite ports need are trained here.